I've heard round 64 is a long, long slog - up to 4 hours of uninterrupted play with no checkpoints through what is, in my opinion, a poorly executed game mode. The farthest I've ever gotten in random 4 player lobbies is round 40, and that took probably two hours of straight play. This trophy is acquired by running through 64 levels of Dead Ops Arcade, a top down twin stick shooter hell, and take down a beast of a boss. For a month I've been sitting on having every trophy completed in this game except for one: Reunited with Fidolina. Which brings us to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Platinum trophies may not be the definitive way of determine the end of a game, but they are something I like to both collect (58 platinums and counting) and use as a marker to make the decision when to move on. Now there are some platinums that I'm desperately proud of (Vanquish, Mirror's Edge, and Killzone 2) and others I know I'll never get (Red Dead Redemption 2) and yet others I may never get but might spend the rest of my life trying for (Tetris Effect). Sometimes, I'm not sure when to put a game down and the Platinum trophy is one milestone I use to gauge that. I never really got into gamerscore on the Xbox but when I switched platforms over to PlayStation I fell for trophies hard for one reason: the platinum.